
Health is a state of physical well-being, mental well-being, and social well-being. True health is only 1/3 physical health.  A stressful life equals an unhealthy life.  In todays fast paced world, we are overwhelmed, overstressed, over stimulated, and under motivated.  Life management is what allows you to maintain a stress free life.  Life management includes taking control of your time, changing your perspective on life, and building strong relationships in your life.  You have the ability to choose your perspective and attitude towards circumstances.  Surrounding yourself with healthy relationships gives you a strong, supportive foundation to get through the demands of life.

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."     
-Kahlil Gibran

Eight Characteristics of Muscle-Bound Relationships
(From the book,
One Minute Wellness by Dr. Ben Lerner and Dr. Greg Loman)

  1. Love Yourself- You can't love and accept others without first having a relationship with yourself that includes flaws and all. 
  2. Develop Your listening Skills- When everyone is speaking at the same time, no one is listening. Misunderstanding is often due to poor listening skills. 
  3. Invest Quality Time Through Present-Time Consciousness- When you are with your family, you should be 100% focused on your family, not thinking about other things. Sometimes you must realize that your loved ones may not share every interest that you have, but respecting what they love and trying to find common ground are ways to learn more about each other. 
  4. Pick Your Battles Wisely- You have to decide what's more important: winning the argument or keeping the relationship. 
  5. Forgive Quickly- Let the other know you forgive and forget quickly. Forgiveness is a gift that you don't always feel the other deserves. But it alwasy contains reconciliation at the heart of it. 
  6. Create a Common Purpose/Mission/Vision Statement- Couples and families that develop a common purpose, especially one that is outside of just serving themselves, have much better family dynamics and tend to stay together much longer. The reason is simple: you're moving in the same direction. 
  7. Routinely Give Yourself Some Breathing Space and Time Away- By stepping away at times, you not only miss each other, but you have time to step outside your issues; take responsibility for your own thoughts, actions and emotions; remember how great you have it; and refocus on what's really important. 
  8. To Be a Great Mom or Dad, Be a Great Husband or Wife- The husband/wife relationship must take priority over all other relationships. What typically happens in most families is that once children enter the family, parents tend to put their relationship on the back burner. "The greatest overall influence we have on our children does not come from our roles as moms or dads but rather as husbands and wives."
Links to Articles:
Maintaining Relationships

"What you thought before has led to every choice you have made, and this adds up to you at this moment.  If you want to change who you are physically, mentally and spiritually, you will have to change what you think."     
-Dr. Patrick Gentempo