Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Maintaining Relationships

It’s really easy to start relationships with different people in different situations. However, as the individuals change, the real challenge is maintaining the relationship. Communication is really the foundation of any relationship, whether it is between husband and wife, mother and daughter, or two friends. As soon as communication begins to stop, the relationship is strained.

During a community talk, Erin asked, “Is it more important to win the argument or keep the relationship?” I think that is a very good question to ask when we find ourselves in an argument with somebody we have a relationship with. I know that I personally lose sight of the purpose of an argument sometimes, and forget that it is about understanding the other person’s perspective and not about being “right.”

Communicating with our family and friends is something that is very easy to take for granted. How many times have you been with family and not really said anything? Even worse, how many times have you let your bad day ruin time that is supposed to be spent enjoying your family or friends? What would you give to have five more minutes with a person you lost? I know that when I look at the time I have with family and friends as something I have to make the most of, it really puts everything into perspective.